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  Four Pilgrims

Four Pilgrims

by William Boulting

  Price : Rs 1060.00
  Your Price : Rs 773.80
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  The author has made a good attempt to explore new avenues about pilgrims and their pilgrimage. Pilgrimage has been popular in all countries and at all times. For what could be happier than an agreeable change which should contribute at once to welfare of soul, refreshment of spirit, and vigour of body? Adventures on the way gave zest to the enterprise. Some of the boldest and bravest of ancient travelers were pilgrims, and we have their records of wide wandering. But their style is archaic, has at best little purely literary merit, and is usually forbidding. They are little known except to the special student. Out of these four chosen, three were shrewd, fearless, observant men, who overcame surpassing obstacles and met with adventure almost unparalleled. The first was a Chinaman, a Buddhist monk of the early Seventh Century, who started alone on an almost impossible quest. The second was an Englishman. The third was a Mohammedan and the fourth was a very son of the glowing age of Julius II. In each case, there is a brief historical foreword to give the pilgrim due introduction into his proper setting. The subject matter of the book is very good to generate lot of interest among researchers.

ISBN : 9788121234061

Pages : 268
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