Esoteric Buddhism is a book originally published in 1883 in London; it was compiled by a member of the Theosophical Society, A. P. Sinnett. It was one of the first books written for the purpose of explaining theosophy to the general public, and was "made up of the author`s correspondence with an Indian mystic." This is the most significant theosophical work of the author. According to Goodrick-Clarke, it "disseminated the basic teachings of Theosophy in its new Asian cast." The author was a British journalist and occultist who played an important part in the affairs of the Theosophical Society during its first generation. In the early 1880s he corresponded with the Mahatmas Koot Hoomi and Morya. In these letters the Masters gave him the basic ideas of theosophy on the constitution of man, the planetary chain, the world periods, life after death in Devachan and Kâma-loka, the progress of humanity, Buddha and Nirvana. He wrote this book based on his understanding of these teachings. This classic was the first simple exposition of Theosophy in modern times. In addition to a particular systematization of Hindu and Buddhist concepts relating to karma and reincarnation and the seven-fold structure of the human being, it also gave for the first time in the West, the teaching of the ‘rounds’ or incarnations of the earth planet. The book had enormous impact at the time, and while it may be said that later works have surpassed it, it remains an enduring classic and historical document for all those interested in the development of Theosophy, Anthroposophy, and ‘new age’ thinking.
ISBN : 9788121225175
Pages : 334