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  Econometric Applications: Empirics of Simultaneous Equations, Time Series, Qualitative Response And Panel Data Models

Econometric Applications: Empirics Of Simultaneous Equations, Time Series, Qualitative Response And Panel Data Models

by T. Lakshmanasamy

  Price : Rs 1390.00
  Your Price : Rs 1014.70
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  Understanding human behaviour eludes scientific inquiries despite significant advances and great breakthroughs. Evenmore challenging is the quantitative analysis of human decisions for which econometric methods are widely applied. Econometrics analysis is the art of understanding the nuances of information contained in data and drawing meaningful inferences from the statistical techniques based on mathematical tools. Understanding the nature of data and identifying appropriate techniques for efficient and consistent estimates of the causal relationship is a great learning of a researcher that comes with practical experience only. The papers in this volume attempt to unravel the econometric issues of many economic problems. Using strong economic theories, rich data and powerful econometric methods, this book analyses the underlying data issues, identification of estimation methods, empirical analyses and draws inferences for many of the individual and household behaviours as well as state, national and international macroeconomic issues. The econometric methods that comprise this book are simultaneous equations methods, time series models, qualitative response dependent variable models and panel data methods. This volume demonstrates the comprehensive nature of econometric approaches that is at the heart of any empirical study and highlight the appropriateness of quantitative analysis for inferences from data, decision making and drawing policy implications. The book is intended to be a reference guide for a rigorous quantitative analysis of economic data and econometric applications.

ISBN : 9789353240530

Pages : 396
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