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  Durable Inequalities : Contextualising Caste-Exclusion, Marginalisation and Reservation in India`s North-East

Durable Inequalities : Contextualising Caste-Exclusion, Marginalisation And Reservation In India`S North-East

by Chunnu Prasad

  Price : Rs 990.00
  Your Price : Rs 722.70
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  Durable Inequalities in India`s North-east, is the first work on contextualization of casteexclusion, migration and reservation policy. Despitethe constitutional safeguards,most of the Dalits facing violence and injustices, particularly in rural areasof India and this is also the case with India`s North-east. The very important issue of having the right to reservation for certain people who are in Indian`s northeast have habitually and by their nature, lived in a very backward condition. They are living in a socially isolated life and are not at all accepted in any other space of survival. These people are mostly dependent on their traditional menial works and don`t have any socioeconomic and political opportunities to raise their status to come forward in outside the world. Even after getting good education in the India`s North-east SC`s are seen largely engaged in low grade jobs. So far the study and the Government of India Census is concerned they are the worst sufferer and facing multiple discrimination and exclusion in India`s North-east since independence.

ISBN : 9788121213097

Pages : 343
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