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  Democratic Process, Foreign Policy and Human Rights in South Asia

Democratic Process, Foreign Policy And Human Rights In South Asia

by Joseph Benjamin

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 547.50
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  Eight nations of South Asia are strategically located, where the Human Rights are brazenly violated. It needs probing analysis in a comprehensive manner. The ironical fact juts out like a sore thumb, that these nations, which have abysmal record, are ironically enough signatories of UN Charter on Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many of these nations, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka have emerged independent after the end of Second World War in 1945. Afghanistan, Nepal and Bhutan escaped physical occupation of any colonial power. Almost all nations have adopted democratic set up with mixed outcome and have been plagued by terrorism, internal instability, poverty and social backwardness. These member nations being economically backward, have realized that they could improve the socio-economic condition of their people, through mutual co-operation and partnership. The present book is an attempt to study the Human Rights violation and democratic processes in South Asian sub-system, which has been explosive and turbulent for long stretches of time. The study is leveraged by out of box insights.

ISBN : 9788121210447

Pages : 320
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