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  Delhi: Past And Present

Delhi: Past And Present

by H. C. Fanshawe

  Price : Rs 950.00
  Your Price : Rs 693.50
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  The present discourse will afford to visitors to Delhi not only a clear guide to all that is to be seen there, but also an intelligent record of the history of the place in all its various phases, and will help to secure a permanent place in the memories of such and of many others, for the great and gallant feat of arms performed before Delhi in the summer of 1857, by a very small force under the most arduous and trying conditions. The recollection of this feat, not yet fifty years ago, has become somewhat unduly dimmed. The author will venture to say a word regarding the protection of the buildings and sites of interest around Delhi. Something, indeed a great deal, has been done in this connection by the British Government but much more remains to be accomplished. In view of special interest which is certain to be taken in these memorials of ancestry by the large numbers who will be gathered at Delhi for the Coronation Darbar, this will be achieved. The subject of the book is illuminating. The author has preserved the fine pictures from oblivion. Though the book is a rare one, it is good for the readers and researchers.

ISBN : 9789353245481

Pages : 477
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