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  Chinese Religion Through Hindu Eyes:- A Study In The Tendencies Of Asiatic Mentality

Chinese Religion Through Hindu Eyes:- A Study In The Tendencies Of Asiatic Mentality

by Benoy Kumar Sarkar

  Price : Rs 730.00
  Your Price : Rs 532.90
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  The author has made an elaborate attempt to the following work is and can only be a brief introduction to a serious and most important subject. For those whose interest is enchained, and who desire to pursue it further, it is hoped that the bibliography at the end of the book will afford aid and guidance for more unrestricted study. Only a selection from a great and growing literature has been possible. The best, in the judgment of the writer, is that of attempting to gain an insight into the teaching of some of the more influential religions of the world, collating then the results obtained, and estimating the significance of truths held in common and of the cleavages and differences which profoundly separate them. It is from this point of view that the text of this discourse has been written. Through this work the writer aims to look at the various religions of the world on the basis of scientific thought. The religions that are discussed are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Mohammedism and Christianity. There is an opening chapter on the early forms of religion and faith. This is one of a series of evidential books drawn up at the instance of the Christian Evidence Society. The book was first published in 1922.

ISBN : 9788121232395

Pages : 364
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