Men make it a general accusation against us, as a sex that we are ill-natured, unfair, pitiless, in judging one another. They say that when women get together, “ at every word a reputation dies;’ they say that as a savage proves his heroism by displaying in grim array the torn scalps of his enemies so a woman thinks she proves her virtue by exhibiting the mangled reputations of her friends ; they say but there is no end to the witty impertinences and fag ends of rhymes from Simonides to Pope, which they fling at us on this subject. I have never heard men so eloquently satirical as when treating with utter scorn the idea that a woman can possibly elevate herself in the eyes of one of their sex by degrading or suffering to be degraded one of her own: and in their censure they are right quite right But wrong quite wrong in attributing this our worst propensity, to ill-nature and jealousy.