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  Catalogue Of The Gupta Gold Coins In The Bayana Hoard

Catalogue Of The Gupta Gold Coins In The Bayana Hoard

by Anant Sadashiv Altekar

  Price : Rs 2460.00
  Your Price : Rs 1795.80
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  It is common knowledge that India is a land of hoary tradition, with a glory and spiritual culture, all her own. Treasures deep lie buried in the far past, we come by finds of great historical interest and importance. It was his good fortune to have been able to retrieve a treasure of such historical import, the finding of which was under peculiar circumstances, which are set out in the opening pages of this work. They are found to belong to the days of the great Guptas that ruled our land some sixteen centuries ago with signal success.This book will be found to be an interesting one from several points of view. It is the Catalogue of the biggest hoard of ancient Indian gold coins that was ever discovered and recovered in the history of Indian Archaeology. It gives an accurate and full description of the 1821 coins of the hoard which were recovered, recording carefully the size and weight of each. As many as 449 coins of the hoard have been illustrated in beautiful plates prepared by the collotype process. The symbol on each coin is illustrated along with its description by special types prepared for the purpose.In the case of the rather rare types, care has been taken to illustrate every coin in the hoard, lest important details should be lost to the students of numismatics. Thus all the coins of Chandragupta I (10 in number), Kacha (16 in number) and Skandagupta (1 in number) have been illustrated.The book contains 68 beautiful plates to delineate the text properly and makes it worth readable in the context of the history.

ISBN : 9788121220835

Pages : 616
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Catalogue Of The Gupta Gold Coins In The Bayana Hoard
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