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  Catalogue Of Coins in The Panjab Museum, Lahore (Indo-Greek Coins)

Catalogue Of Coins In The Panjab Museum, Lahore (Indo-Greek Coins)

by R. B. Whitehead

  Price : Rs 570.00
  Your Price : Rs 416.10
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  This rare and valuable book is in three volumes. This volume describes the collection of Indo-Greek coins in the Lahore Museum, Panjab, India. The author has applied the term Indo-Greek to the issues of the Greek Kings of Bactria and India, and of their contemporaries and immediate successors in North-West India, who struck money bearing legible Greek inscriptions. These were the Indo-Scythic and Indo-Parthian dynasties, and the Great Kushans, down to and including Vasu Deva. Nevertheless, the Indo-Greek section of his Cabinet was not to be despised, and it was very strong in the copper series. The intrinsic interest of the coins described in this work is great, and they make a strong appeal to the favourable notice of collectors, especially to those belonging to that European nation which is the first to have accomplished from the sea what Greece did from the land, and so may be regarded as the legitimate successor of the Greeks in the Panjab. The historical importance of these coins is not confined to the issues of the Greek princes. Our knowledge of the Indo-Scythians, Indo-Parthians, and Kushans is again almost entirely derived from the study of their coins; and the interest is strengthened by the fact that the coins of the Indo-Parthians give us the name of Gondophares, known to Christian tradition as the Indian ruler under whom the Apostle St. Thomas was martyred.The second volume covers the collection of Mughal Emperors coins, and the third volumes contains the collection of Nadir Shah and Durrani dynasty coins. The book is profusely illustrated of the coins.

ISBN : 9788121220996

Pages : 277
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