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  ABODE OF FAIRIES: Lucknow’s Parikhana

Abode Of Fairies: Lucknow’S Parikhana

by Pc Sarkar

  Price : Rs 890.00
  Your Price : Rs 649.70
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  ABOUT THE BOOK Wajid Ali Shah, the last King of Awadh, who was accused of misgovernance and deposed by the British in 1856, remained an enigma all through his life time. In addition to soulful writings and innovative dance / musical compositions, his unique contribution to the cultural landscape of Lucknow was the establishment of a finishing school for women, for training them in music and dance. This was called Parikhana, accounts of which were described in his book, Ishqnama, one of his earliest semi-biographical books. The present volume attempts to analyse in an unbiased manner, the king`s motives and intentions in establishing Parikhana, taking into account the moral and cultural ethos prevalent in those times. The author also seeks to dispel the viewpoint that numerous mut`ah wives and their induction in Parikhana was part of any ulterior motive of the young king. Instead, it was merely a reflection on his profound love for the performing arts, and his firm belief on the restorative effect of music on himself, as well as on others.

ISBN : 9789353249434

Pages : 226
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