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  A History Of Urdu Literature

A History Of Urdu Literature

by Ram Babu Saksena

  Price : Rs 780.00
  Your Price : Rs 569.40
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  The author has made a good attempt to draw a sketch of a history of Urdu literature to trace the development of Urdu Literature from the earliest time up to the time that this book was written (1927). Cepoy Mutiny was not only Indian political loss but cultural also. The composite culture, which was developed in almost 800 years, was also lost. This book gives a biographical sketch of the poets with a description of the major works composed by them. The historical setting a major influence on the poets, has not been ignored. The book traces the rise from the Deccan in 18th Century School up to the stalwarts of the 19th and early 20th Century. All major poets like Quli Qutab Shah, Arzu, Hatim, Mir, Sauda, Nasikh, Aatish, Ghalib, Momin, Zauq, Azaad, Amir, Dagh, Hali, Sarshar, Suroor are noticed. The schools noticed are: the Deccan school, Delhi school, and the Lucknow school. Wajid Ali Shah`s court, Rampur court, Hyderabad court, new Urdu poetry are also noticed; also described are Urdu prose and Urdu drama. This book is a reprint of the 1927 edition.

ISBN : 9788121235532

Pages : 386
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