This volume is the first attempt in English, and probably indeed in any language, to present to the reader a concise and continuous history of Telugu literature. The main objective is not only to make a comprehensive inventory of poets and their productions and to supply accurate information, but also to reconstruct the past as to enable the reader to assess the literary heritage of the Telugu people at its true worth. With this object in view, a concise biographical details of the Telugu poets has discussed and critical estimates of standard Telugu works, and a general survey of Telugu literary tendencies, in their proper historical setting. The chapter dealing with contemporary literature is of necessity incomplete, but enough has been said to show the promise for the future which the intellectual ferment of the last few decades holds. The present book is one of the best of its kind and, considering how rare that kind is, as a most important contribution to the history of Telugu literature.
ISBN : 9788121246040
Pages : 136