The scope of this book is to provide the visitor to Colombo (the capital of Sri Lanka) with a guide book the Buddhist Temples in general, and to the Temple of the Prince Priest in particular one of the largest temples in Colombo, more popularly known as the Dipaduttamarama temple at Kotahena, built in 1860. The reason for the choice of the latter is that it is one of the largest temples in Colombo, and has the largest images; is provides the most sights; and has a very effective guide in the courteous incumbent. Even if the plea of novelty and newness—for there is nothing even remotely, resembling a Buddhist temple foreign countries—be put by as too apparent for mention, there yet remains the good reason that in Ceylon is found the most primitive form of Buddhism; and if Buddhism is to be seen in its best and most favourable aspects, it is in Ceylon. This book is a reprint of the 1907 edition.