Through this work the author is now presented to the public consists of a Grammar, and Dictionary of the language of Thibet and Bhota, more frequently written Bhotanta, but called Boutan by Europeans. This, however, is not only the language of little Thibet; and as these countries are a thousand miles distant from each other, it is inferred that this language is spoken throughout the whole of the region on the summit of the Himalaya mountains, usually called Chinese Tartary, and some other countries bordering thereon, all of which are mostly, if not altogether under the dominion or influence of China, and occupy the space between the English and the Russian possessions. It is highly probable that the following dictionary was written by some of the Roman Catholic missionaries who formerly labored in Thibet. The dictionary was originally written on Italian, and has been partly translated into English. The grammar is very short and deficient in some important points; but it is all that author had written. Despite all these shortcomings, the object of this little work is to provide a practical hand book for those who wish to acquire speedy knowledge in this language.
ISBN : 9788121243902
Pages : 52