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  A Dictionary of the Pukhto, Pushto, or, Language of the Afghans

A Dictionary Of The Pukhto, Pushto, Or, Language Of The Afghans

by H. G. Raverty

  Price : Rs 4100.00
  Your Price : Rs 2993.00
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  The author of Dictionary of Pukhto/Pushto language of the Afghans reveals that this is a very useful dictionary which enables to help to acquire this language easily. Some Orientalists of the present day have endeavoured to make out that the Pukhto language belongs to the Indian or Indu-Teutonic family of tongues, because it contains some Sanskrit words, and because the Urdu or Hindustani dialect bears, as it is affirmed, some resemblance in point of idiom. Some persons have even gone to such lengths as to assert that the Pukhto is not a written language. It is certainly true that the Pukhto dialect has many words which are also to be met with in the Urdu; but the whole of these, when not clearly traceable to the Sanskrit, he is inclined to consider—at least until they can be satisfactorily proved to belong to some other original language—pure Pushto terms that have, in the same manner as Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, etc., and even Portuguese and Malayam words, been appropriated and adopted into the rekhtah or ` scattered,` another term applied to the camp language of Hindustan. This book is immensely beneficial to all.

ISBN : 9788121242929

Pages : 614
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