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  A Comparative Grammar Of The Dravidian Or South-Indian Family Of Languages

A Comparative Grammar Of The Dravidian Or South-Indian Family Of Languages

by R. Caldwell

  Price : Rs 1620.00
  Your Price : Rs 1182.60
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  It has been the author chief object throughout this work to promote a more systematic and scientific study of the Dravidian languages themselves — for their own sake, irrespective of theories respecting their relationship to other languages—by means of a careful inter-comparison of their grammars. Whilst he has never ceased to regard this as his chief object, he has at the same time considered it desirable to notice, as opportunity occurred, such principles, forms, and roots as appeared to bear any affinity to those of any other language or family of languages, in the hope of contributing thereby to the solution of the question of their ultimate relationship. That question has never yet been scientifically solved, though one must hope that it will be solved some day. It has not yet got beyond the region of theories, more or less plausible. His own theory is that the Dravidian languages occupy a position of their own between the languages of the Indo-European family and those of the Turanian or Scythian group—not quite a midway position, but one considerably nearer the latter than the former. So this book is immensely good for all.

ISBN : 9788121245906

Pages : 808
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