This book 1s designed to deal mainly with carnivorous animals in their capacity of man-eaters, it has been thought advisable, and indeed essential, to give some account of the distribution, habits, and character of these wild beasts, as well as of the methods of hunting them. While these matters are of interest in themselves, there may be something new to say on the subject and some light may be thrown on various questions connected with it, such as the senses of scent and sight, the causes of wild beasts taking to man eating, the degree of protection afforded by campfires, and the man-eater’s habits in relation to the seizure of its victim. With some knowledge of these things the reader will be able to appreciate the nature of particular animals which have taken to preying on’ human beings. Most animals, even lions, tigers, leopards, bears, and wolves, avoid the presence of man and retreat before his approach.
ISBN : 9788121267120
Pages : 295