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  Imagine If: Stories of Ordinary People with Extraordinary Grit

Imagine If: Stories Of Ordinary People With Extraordinary Grit

by Rajvi H. Mehta

  Price : Rs 299.00
  Your Price : Rs 239.20
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  ‘Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.’

Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar, credited with spreading the gospel of yoga across the world, began to practise it as a young boy. He was, in those days, constantly unwell, and his brother-in-law thought yoga would help him cope. Over time, learning from his own experiences, Guruji refined and then redefined what he was taught. A disease-free state was no longer his goal; health, he had come to believe, included well-being of the body, mind, emotions, intellect, consciousness, morality, sociality and conscience.

It was ill health that introduced Guruji to yoga, and it was with yoga that he gifted health to millions across the world. In this inspirational book are stories of people with grit and determination, who overcame various challenges—amputated limbs, cancer, emotional trauma—with the aid of Iyengar Yoga. Guruji said, ‘Yoga does not change the way a person sees things; it transforms the person who sees.’ The book is a glimpse into how yoga can transform you if you open yourself to it.

Bringing together Guruji’s inspirational messages and his recommendations on asanas that help an individual cope with trauma, Imagine If is a necessary tool in our turbulent times.

ISBN : 9788194879022

Pages : 168
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