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  Yogasutra Of Patanjali

Yogasutra Of Patanjali

by Bangali Baba

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 250.75
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  The Indian system of philosophy is the store-house which has supplied spiritual food, through the ages, to all the nations of the world. Other teachings, whatever they be, are but the sauces and the spices, useful so long as this philosophy supplies the spiritual inspiration. Yogasutra of Patanjali is divided into four chapters. It comprises aphorisms on the system of yoga. The aphorisms relate to the subject of Spiritual Absorption (Samadhi), Means of Practice (Sadhana), Accomplishments (Vibhuti) and Emancipation (Kaivalya). To expound further: Ch. I explains the grades of Spiritual Action for the restraint of the exhibitive operations of the mind. Until that is done no yogic achievement is possible. Ch. II deals with the process of Material Action which can attenuate the gross impurities that have entered into the mind. Ch. III pertains to the Dissolutionary Change of the worldly life by means of Samyama. Ch. IV explains the working of threefold action the present action, the stored-up action and the regulated fruitive action. It teaches how the individual soul, released from the bond of actions, realizes the Reality of the Supreme Being wherein the individual souls merge into Brahman as rivers do into the ocean. The entire system of Yoga, in all its categories, is nowhere better treated than in this book.

Pages : 120
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