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  THE TRADE GAME: Engaging with Central Asia

The Trade Game: Engaging With Central Asia

by Amiya Chandra

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  This book is a revised extension of the previous edition, India-Central Asia Relations: The Economic Dimension, and delves deeper into the complex and intricate geopolitical, security and economic relationship of India with Central Asia. India considers Central Asia as its “extended neighbourhood”, and has taken various initiatives like “Connect Central Asia” and full membership of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), and views Central Asian Republics (CARs) as an answer to India’s multiple objectives: (a) to maintain its political influence in the region; (b) fulfil India’s energy requirements; (c) to develop a meaningful economic and trade relationship; and (d) contribute in CARs development by expanding its bouquet of goods and services exports in areas where they benefit mutually. The book covers the detailed study of the issues involved, stakeholders, extent and pattern of the relationship, evaluates the current approach and suggests further possibilities to strengthen the Indo-Central Asia relationship. There has been a tectonic change in the world around us – China is the new Capitalist State, and a champion of free trade; the US is the new Socialist State and wishes to be more conservative and protective with its inward looking ‘America First’ policy; Russia is evolving again to be a Super Power and the EU is facing Brexit; in India, Narendra Modi is the new Prime Minister, who is committed to strengthen India-Central Asia relationship. These events occurred after Dr. Chandra’s previous study, and they have a major impact on India’s strategic and foreign trade relationship with CARs, hence the need for this revised edition. The book tries to offer a rationale, new perspective, policy re-orientation and shift in India’s approach to Central Asia.

ISBN - 9789386618092

Pages : 326
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