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  Media Management: Emerging Challenges in New Millennium

Media Management: Emerging Challenges In New Millennium

by B.K. Chaturvedi And Paul Martin

  Price : Rs 2900.00
  Your Price : Rs 2552.00
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  This edition is redesigned for academicians and media professionals and researchers in eight chapters. It provides comprehensive information of the major areas of responsibility that fall to the managers of media organizations, including leadership, motivation, planning, budgeting and decision-making, technological innovation marketing research and analysis, strategic management, and public relations. It also provides media-based cases that promote the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Addressing such topics as diversity, group cultures, progressive discipline, training, and market-driven journalism, this book provides real-world scenarios that help students anticipate and prepare for experiences in their future careers. Its style is not scholarly in tone but its chapters are based on research, and the results are written in an understandable and applicable style— applicability being the main focus of this edition.

ISBN - 9788182209732

Pages : 372
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