On 21 May 1991, journalist NeenaGopal had finished just onepart of an interview with RajivGandhi-the last of his life-whenhis car reached the election rallyat Sriperumbudur. Moments later,Rajiv Gandhi was dead, blownup by suicide bomber Dhanu,irrevocably changing the courseof Indian politics, as NeenaGopal, just yards behind him,watched in horror.In this gripping, definitive book,Gopal reconstructs the chainof events in India and at theLTTE`s headquarters in Sri Lankawhere the assassination plotwas hatched, and follows thetrail of investigation that led tothe assassins being brought to justice.Drawing on extensiveinterviews, research andher own vast experienceas a journalist, she deftlyestablishes the background-theshortsightedness of India`s SriLanka policy; the friction betweenthe intelligence agencies andbetween the agencies andthe external affairs ministry;the many warnings that wentunheeded; and the implacablehatred that LTTE supremoPrabhakaran felt for Rajiv Gandhi.Bringing all these complexthreads together, Gopal takes usstep by step to Sriperumbudur asRajiv Gandhi walked inexorablyto his death on that tragic Mayevening twenty-five years ago.
ISBN - 9780670088706