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  Introduction to Nano Science and Technologies

Introduction To Nano Science And Technologies

by Anjaneyulu Yerramilli

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  This book exhaustively presents basic concepts of nano science and technologies explaining the unique physico-chemical, mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic properties of natural and engineered nano materials. It gives an overview of the current industrial applications of engineered nano materials, techniques for improving product performance, process engineering, design and fabrication techniques top-down and bottom-up techniques, resource management , environmental issues , safety and health risks. State of Art technologies in various potential areas of Nano Science and Technologies like Carbon Nano Tubes(CNT), Nano Micro Fabrication techniques, Chemical Vapor deposition (CVD), Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nano-Electro Mechanical Systems (NEMS) , are discussed with illustrative examples. Various quality control processes adopted by different countries, Standards development, details of various important instruments (Metrology) like Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) which are used for characterization of nano materials/structures are also presented.

Emerging nano technologies using polymeric/organic materials, liquid crystals, their nano composites and nano ferrofluids which find special applications in defense, electronics, communications, sensors, bio-medical areas etc. are discussed with suitable examples. This book also covers important information on the role of surface and colloid chemistry in nano technology , self assembly, molecular manufacturing, salient aspects of Drexler-Smalley debate - realistic projections on Molecular nano Technology, future projections on Molecular manufacturing, nano size (Quantum) effects on semiconductors their Optical and electronic properties and impact of nanofabrication Techniques on Moore’s Law. The fundamental principles of quantum computing techniques, emerging technologies using Quantum Dots and Nano-photonics thin films, their deposition processes and on various Convergent nano technologies are presented illustratively. This information will be very useful for undergraduate and graduate students for getting comprehensive understanding on emerging trends in the application of nano technologies.

A special feature of this book is it includes a number of Laboratory Exercises in nano Science/Technology giving complete details on experimental procedures, expected results and how to do data analysis. This information will be greatly useful for both teachers and students to plan and execute laboratory exercises in this important field even in a moderately equipped labs at Undergraduate/graduate level .Each chapter is provided with concerned references , bibliography for further reading and typical Questions.

This book can serve as a good Text Book/Resource material in Nano Science &Technologies for undergraduate/graduate students in Engineering and Science disciplines.

1. Nano Science and Technologies, 2. Carbon Nanotube Technologies (CNT), 3. Nano/Micro Fabrication Technologies, 4. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (NEMS), 5. Quality Control, Standards and Meteorology for Nano‐Technology, 6. Applications of Polymers/Organics, Liquid Crystals, Nano‐Composites and Ferro‐Fluids in Nano Technology, 7. Role of Surface and Colloid Chemistry in Nano‐Technology, 8. Molecular Manufacturing, Future Nano Technologies and Dexler‐Smalley Debate, 9. Semiconductors, Nano Size Effects and Moore’s Law, 10. Quantum Computing, 11. Quantum Dots, Nano‐Photonics and their Applications, 12. Thin Films, 13. Nano‐Bio‐Info‐Cogno (NBIC) Convergent Technologies, 14. Opportunities and Challenges in Newly Emerging Nano‐Technologies and Strategies for their Utilization for Sustainable Development, 15. Laboratory Exercises.
ISBN - 9789385433672

Pages : 594
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