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  Shammi Kapoor:The Game Changer

Shammi Kapoor:The Game Changer

by Rauf Ahmed

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  SHAMMI KAPOOR was an absolute original, who redefined the profile of the Hindi film hero in the late ’50s and cast him in a unique, highly individualistic mould. He was a far cry from the self-righteous ‘hero’ of the time. He broke the existing rules, made his own. He became the first hero to break into the formidable cordon of the Big Three of the time: Raj Kapoor, Dilip Kumar and DevAnand, who had dominated the scene unchallenged for more than a decade. As film scholar Dr. Punita Bhatt succinctly avers, “ShammiKapoor represented the blending of unique elements rooted in time, place, and his own talent. More important and less appreciated, is the fact that ShammiKapoor’s contribution, like Dilip Kumar’s, has seeped into the mainstream of popular cinema in India, becoming a part of the larger tradition every actor is heir to.”

ISBN - 9789385609626

Pages : 279
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