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  The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy

The Oxford Handbook Of World Philosophy

by Jay L. Garfield, William Edelglass

  Price : Rs 1995.00
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  The Oxford Handbook of World Philosophy provides the advanced student or scholar a set of introductions to each of the world`s major non-European philosophical traditions. It offers the non-specialist a way in to unfamiliar philosophical texts and methods and the opportunity to explore non-European philosophical terrain and to connect her work in one tradition to philosophical ideas or texts from another. Sections on Chinese Philosophy, Indian Philosophy, Buddhist Philosophy, East Asian Philosophy, African Philosophy and Recent Trends in Global Philosophy are each edited by an expert in the field. Each section includes a general introduction and a set of authoritative articles written by leading scholars, designed to provide the non-specialist a broad overview of a major topic or figure. This volume is an invaluable aid to those who would like to pursue philosophy in a global context and to those who are committed to moving beyond Eurocentrism in academic philosophy.
Salient Features

This Handbook offers a truly global perspective on philosophy.
For every tradition covered in the volume, there is a sub-editor who has written an introduction to his or her respective section.

Table of Contents:
Part I Chinese Philosophy, edited by Chenyang Li Chinese Philosophy, Chenyang Li

The Yijing The Creative Origin of Chinese Philosophy, Chung-Ying Cheng
Classical Confucianism I Confucius, Peimin Ni
Classical Confucianism II Mencius and Xunzi, Manyul Im
Daoism Laozi and Zhuangzi, Liu Xiaogan
Major Rival Schools Mohism and Legalism, Chris Fraser
Chinese Buddhist Philosophy, Brook Ziporyn
Neo-Confucianism, John Berthrong
Contemporary Confucianism, Shu-hsien Liu

Part II Non-Buddhist Indian Philosophy, edited by Nalini Bushan Non-Buddhist Indian Philosophy, Nalini Bhushan

Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy, Amita Chatterjee
Skhya-Yoga, T.S. Rukmani
Mimamsa, Dan Arnold
Vedanta, John Taber
Jain Philosophy, Jeffery D. Long
Anglophone Philosophy in Colonial India, Nalini Bhushan

Part III Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy, edited by William Edelglass and Jay L. Garfield Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy, William Edelglass and Jay Garfield

Abhidharma Philosophy, Jan Westerhoff
Madhyamaka in India and Tibet, John Dunne
Yogacara, John Powers
Buddhist Epistemology (pramanavada), Tom J.F. Tillemans
Buddhist Thought in Tibet An Historical Introduction, Matthew T. Kapstein
Dzogchen, Anne Carolyn Klein
Buddhist Ethics, Barbra R. Clayton

Part IV Japanese and Korean Philosophy, edited by Koji Tanaka Japanese and Korean Philosophy, Koji Tanaka

The Philosophy of Zen Master Dogen Egoless Perspectivism, Bret W. Davis
Nishida Kitaro Self, World and the Nothingness Underlying Distinctions, John C. Maraldo
Japanese Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Mara Miller
Japanese Ethics, Robert E. Carter
Natural Freedom Human/Nature Nondualism in Japanese Thought, Bret W. Davis
Korean Buddhist Philosophy, Jin Y. Park

Part V Islamic Philosophy, edited by Tamara Albertini Re-introducing Islamic Philosophy The Persisting Problem of "Smaller Orientalisms," Tamara Albertini

The Hellenizing Philosophers andrey Smirnov
Philosophy of Illumination, Hossein Ziai
Sufism, Erik S. Ohlander
Islamic Theology, Eric Ormsby
Muslim Jurisprudence, Robert Gleave

Part VI Philosophy in Africa and the African Diaspora, edited by Albert Mosley and Stephen C. Ferguson II Philosophy in Africa and the African Diaspora, Stephen C. Ferguson II

African Philosophy, Barry Hallen
Africana Philosophy Prospects and Possibilities, Tsenay Serequeberhan
Afro-Caribbean Philosophy, Clevis Headley
African American Philosophy A Historical Outline, John H. McClendon III and Stephen C. Ferguson II
Race in Contemporary Philosophy, Albert Mosley
Affirmative Action, Rodney C. Roberts

Part VII Recent Trends in Global Philosophy, edited by Cynthia Townley Recent Trends in Global Philosophy, Cynthia Townley

Global Feminism, Christine M. Koggel
Native American Philosophy, Adam Arola
Indigenous Environmental Philosophy, Workineh Kelbessa
Cosmopolitanism, Gillian Brock
Reparations, J. Angelo Corlett
ContributorsISBN - 9780199351954

Pages : 658
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