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  Growth or Development: Which Way is Gujarat Going

Growth Or Development: Which Way Is Gujarat Going

by Hirway, Shah, And Shah

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  Gujarat’s ‘model of growth’ has been the subject of much debate. While some analysts view Gujarat’s growth as a classic success story of neo-liberal policies, others have questioned its inclusiveness.

This volume provides an objective assessment of Gujarat, a state often considered a role model for others because of its rapid growth rate. It examines the validity of the theory and policy framework underlying the economic reforms in India, and provides an in-depth analysis of the interpretation and implementation of this framework in Gujarat. It also assesses the overall inclusiveness—or lack thereof—of Gujarat’s growth in achieving development goals.

Studying the performance of the Gujarat economy in the national context, as well as in comparison with the economies of other Indian states, eminent scholars analyse the dynamics of growth in the state, its sources, processes, sustainability, and interaction with development objectives.

Based on original research and extensive data, the articles in this balanced work illuminate a much-debated and topical theme and provide an alternate view to the widely perceived success story of Gujarat.

List of Tables, Figures, and Boxes
Foreword by Yoginder K. Alagh

Growth and Development in Gujarat: An Introduction
Indira Hirway, Amita Shah, and Ghanshyam Shah
A Comparative Analysis of Gujarat’s Economic Growth
Sebastian Morris
Assessing the Inclusiveness of Growth in Gujarat
Indira Hirway
Political Economy of Subsidies and Incentives to Industries in Gujarat: Some Issues
Indira Hirway, Neha Shah, and Rajeev Sharma
Some Facets of Industrialization in Gujarat (1999–2009)
Sunil R. Parekh
High Growth Agriculture in Gujarat: An Enquiry into Inclusiveness and Sustainability
Amita Shah and Itishree Pattnaik
Gujarat’s Employment Story: Growth with Informality
Jeemol Unni and Ravikiran Naik
Labour Migration and Welfare in Gujarat: Recent Evidence and Issues
Amita Shah and Biplab Dhak
Dynamics of Urbanization in Gujarat
Darshini Mahadevia
Economic Growth and the State of Natural Resources and Environment in Gujarat: A Critical Assessment
P.K. Viswanathan and Jharna Pathak
The Health Situation in Gujarat
Leela Visaria
Education in Gujarat: A Review
Sudarshan Iyengar
Governance of Gujarat: Good Governance for Whom and for What?
Ghanshyam Shah

About the Editors and Contributors

Key Features

The book examines the inclusiveness of growth in a "fastest growing state", a "success story" of the economic reforms or of neo-liberal policies.
Analyses the dynamics of the growth - the sources of growth, process of growth and its interaction with development goals.
Reviews the growth statistics of Gujarat.
Provides an alternate view to the widely perceived spectacular growth record of Gujarat.
Goes much beyond the state level factors to understand the performance of the Gujarat economy.
Important addition to the literature on inclusive growthISBN - 9780199451180

Pages : 608
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