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  Constitutional & Administrative Law (Core Texts Series)

Constitutional & Administrative Law (Core Texts Series)

by Neil Parpworth

  Price : Rs 1295.00
  Your Price : Rs 1165.50
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  The Core Text Series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing focused and reliable guides for students of law at all levels. Written with authority by leading academics and renowned for their clarity, these invaluable texts provide a straightforward analysis of the subject and its challenges.

Constituional and Administrative Law remains highly popular thanks to its clear writing style, and the ease with which the author guides you through key principles of public law. To help you get to grips with the subject matter and reinforce your knowledge, a range of useful features including further reading suggestions, self-test questions, and chapter summaries are provided.

Praised by lecturers and students alike, this book is a must for undergraduates of all levels.

Oxford Public Law Resouce Centre

The book is supported online by the Oxford Public Law Resource Centre, offering the following useful resources:

- Regular updates, providing easy access to changes and developments in the law
- Oxford NewsNow RSS feed, keeping you up to date on the latest news stories
- Library of web links and timeline of key dates in British political history
- Audio podcasts from expert Oxford authors on key issues in public lawISBN - 9780199684144

Pages : 600
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