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   environmentl concerns and sustainable development

Environmentl Concerns And Sustainable Development

by Sakarama Somayaji

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 405.00
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  There is a need to bring about a major transition, whereby this generation, and more importantly, the generations yet to come do not suffer from the ill effects of today`s development. Contents: Section I: Development and Environmental Concerns Development and displacement in tribal areas Sustainable development and liberalization: environmental challenges Environmental challenges and human security in the Himalayas Environmental rehabilitation and livelihood impact: some emerging trends and concerns from Tigray (Ethiopia) and Gujarat (India) People s response to environmental challenges: case of Goa Bachao Abhiyan An Empiricial analysis of environmental impact of population, affluence, and technology What do we do with the garbage? Garbage not in my backyard syndrome in Goa Impact of environmental degration on women Displacement and the right to life: implications for the North East Development-included displacement, resettlement, and rehabilitation in Orissa Adverse impact of development-induced displacement in the mining sector Section II: Sustainable development practices Organic produce supply chains for sustainable agri-food systems and livelihoods: case studies of organic basmati rice in India a How genuine is people s participation in sustainable forest development? a case of community forest management in Andhra Pradesh The law on sustainable development in India: a review of judicial and legislative initiatives Land and water management practices in Warana region: implications for sustainable agriculture Sustainability through people s participation in the health sector Organic farming and sustainable development: role of government and non-governmental organizationsISBN - 9788179932247

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