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  IAP Textbook of Vaccines

Iap Textbook Of Vaccines

by Vipin M Vashishtha, Rohit Agrawal, Tu Sukumaran

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  This book covers almost all the aspects related to modern vaccinology including currently available licensed vaccines and general aspects of immunization. Sections are also devoted to vaccines in the pipeline along with newer vaccine techniques. A separate section of the book deals with issues related to vaccine policies, trials, ethics and regulatory needs.

The book shall provide in-depth information to the professionals working in the fi eld of vaccination in India and neighboring South-Central and South-Eastern Asian countries. Special emphasis is provided to disease epidemiology and vaccine needs of India and neighboring countries. This publication should also serve as a reference material for international health agencies, government health establishments, vaccine developers, immunization program managers, and vaccine funding agencies. At the same time, the book should also be of great utility to postgraduate students, faculty members of medical institutions, and practicing pediatricians of the country. ISBN - 9789350909478

Pages : 664
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