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  Orthognathic Surgery : Esthetic Surgery of the Face

Orthognathic Surgery : Esthetic Surgery Of The Face

by Varghese Mani

  Price : Rs 1295.00
  Your Price : Rs 1036.00
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  It is a well-known fact that the shape of the face of an individual makes a significant impression on the beauty and attractiveness of a person. Face is the true representation of a person’s personality and it is the desire of all men and women to have a good looking and attractive face.

The concept of esthetic beauty of the face may vary from race to race or region to region, but universally, sharp and harmonious features are considered as the hallmark of beauty in every society. The facial skeleton provides the basic framework of the face and the features of the face greatly depend upon the skeletal architecture. The facial presentation, in turn, also depends upon the shape and alignment of the teeth, and the structure of the jaws.

Orthognathic surgery, involving straightening of the jaws, is now one of the fast developing tools in the hands of the oral and maxillofacial surgeons in remarkably improving the presentation of the face, both in cases of reconstructive surgery or purely esthetic surgery. Performed in conjunction with orthodontics, orthognathic surgery can do wonders in improving or altering the appearance of the face.

The authors have tried to bring out the discernible elements of orthognathic surgery that are utilized in correcting the basal bone defects. The esthetic surgery is aimed at functional, psychological and esthetic rehabilitation of the patient in conjunction with the application of orthodontics for achieving fine tooth movements.

This text is intended to be a guide and a manual for the maxillofacial surgeon in achieving his mastery over the art of correcting and treating the facial deformities. ISBN - 9788171794157

Pages : 104
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