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  Nirbhaya & others who Dared

Nirbhaya & Others Who Dared

by Kusum Choppra

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 225.00
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"In a culture described as `punctuated by question marks`, what is the role of women? Is she a meal ticket? A punching bag? A caretaker for old parents, offspring etc.? A business deal maker? The working partner ? The third wheel? Or a person in her own right-holding on to her space, her identity while countering intimidation? Kusum Choppra`s hitherto untold stories, tongue-in-cheek or serious, offer insights into the functioning of women`s minds: Of different approaches to life after a divorce; Of the greedy exploitation of the widows of Kargil`s martyrs; Of a sister fighting for inheritance to protect her mother from her brother; Of a burnt bride fighting her way back-to life and emotional freedom; Of a simple village woman protecting her aged in-laws from the greed of her husband and his new wife; Of widows grasping at their slices of life. And why not? Of a challenge to Pati Parmeshwar`s right to select surrogates! The stories are of women surviving their ordeals to move on in life. " ISBN - 9789382711490

Pages : 284
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