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  Passport of Gujarat: Hazardous Journeys

Passport Of Gujarat: Hazardous Journeys

by Alexander K Luke, Ias (Retd) Gujarat Cadre

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  “Corruption is nothing. As CEO and Department Head, I could remove it as easily as swatting a slow moving fly. Corruption disappears as a bi-product of an ethical organizational revival.” A statement like this would be unusual in India. But coming from Alexander K Luke—who headed some of the biggest Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in Gujarat and Kerala­­—it merits careful study.

This book in his own words is his story. Known as ‘The Turnaround Man of Gujarat’ for the revival of Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited (SSNNL) Project, Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Limited (GACL) and Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (GSFC), he demonstrated the truth of this assertion in all his organizations.

GSFC share price went up from ` 17 to ` 251 in his time. Eleven organizations, ten corporations and one government department were ethically revived by him.

The book also describes the opposition he faced from the political leadership of Gujarat, who, paradoxically, were the official beneficiaries of these organizational revivals.

Where necessary, he did act decisively against corruption. As Commissioner of Cottage Industries in Gujarat, he closed down 950 bogus cooperative handloom societies, out of 1,050. This cleanup was unprecedented in Indian administrative history.

He asserts that it is through individual organization’s revival that the country will achieve its destined greatness and not through centralized leadership and policies only. How such revivals can be created even under corrupt and incompetent rulers is explained.

This is an inspiring story of struggle and victory. It must be read by all those who agonize over India’s unfulfilled promise.

ISBN - 978­81­7049­502­4

Pages : 380
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