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  Review in Clinical Anesthesiology

Review In Clinical Anesthesiology

by Saneesh Pj

  Price : Rs 1695.00
  Your Price : Rs 1356.00
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  The presentation of each topic is designed in such a way that the first part consists of the clinical discussion from an anesthesiologist’s point of view, with adequate authentic literature-based guidelines and recommendations. The latter part consists of other relevant topics which may be brought into the discussion by the examiner, either as a test of basic science knowledge or as a deviation from the current topic. The latter part, designated as “top-up topics”, improves the coverage of the topic without affecting the topic continuity in the first part of the discussion. Most chapters are further fortified with “Pearls Box” which deals with important topics which may be discussed along with any case scenario. The guidelines, recommendations and management protocols are updated as much as possible and the sources are cited to make it authentic. The tables, charts and other illustrations are provided for crisp depiction of the topic and make it easier to prepare for an examination or academic discussion. ISBN - 9789351521747

Pages : 386
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