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  Swidden Peasantry in Indonesia

Swidden Peasantry In Indonesia

by L.K. Mahapatra

  Price : Rs 495.00
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Swidden Peasantry in Indonesia is a pioneering anthropological research in the classical mould by one of India`s most eminent anthropologists. Anthropology had started as a discipline in the colonial period as a study of other cultures and many Europeans came to study other cultures in India and other countries. However, this study has reversed the trend, when an Indian has studied the culture of another country. This research has the advantage of a comparative perspective that comes from the authors location in another culture. This research also demonstrates the possibilities for insight that emerge from a comparative dimension, which is not rooted in a colonial hierarchical position of the researcher. The author has been a foremost scholar of swidden cultivation in India as well as South-East Asia and has shaped the thinking in this field. This book draws on research by the author in 1988 in Sumbawa and other areas in Indonesia, which he compares with the Indian scenario, also extensively studied by him. Swidden Cultivation is practiced in vast stretches in Indonesia, where there is no possibility of any other form of cultivation, and it is quite popular in Central and Northeastern India, where the nature of the terrain necessitates this form of cultivation. This study of swidden cultivation in Indonesia with a comparative dimension to the practice in India offers significant insights for sustainable development of people dependent on this form of cultivation. This insightful and informative work will be indispensable to planners and students of Tribal Studies, Development Studies, and Anthropology. isbn 9788183875097

Pages : 151
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