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  A Professional`s Guide to Service Tax, 2 Vols

A Professional`S Guide To Service Tax, 2 Vols

by Abhishek A. Rastogi

  Price : Rs 2250.00
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  The question which my elder son asked after publication of the third edition was the reason to author these books. I introspected profoundly before answering him and myself.

The passion to write was inherited from my grandfather, a freedom fighter and a professor, who used to express his views on history and political thoughts for Indian and American universities. Inheriting the passion to share the outlooks and opinions, this book has been authored to address the sectorial issues and reach out to professionals for their views. The objective is to be a knowledge partner and debate on key aspects. To attain this objective, various key concepts and issues have been elaborated. The following features have also been incorporated to augment the scope of the title:

Introduction to the GST;
Legal concepts and principles which can be helpful in critical situations;
Impact-wise analysis of 700 services including comparative analysis of all erstwhile categories;
Foreign cases that find relevance in the Indian context;
Service Tax Dictionary which contains approximately 1200 meanings of important terms and phrases arranged alphabetically;
Relevant industry issues for approximately 60 sectors;
Synopsis at the end of each sector to highlight clear position on taxability;
Easy tricks to remember Rules including complex CENVAT provisions;

ISBN - 9789351434078

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