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  Managing Marketing: An Applied Approach and the Marketing Toolkit

Managing Marketing: An Applied Approach And The Marketing Toolkit

by Noel Capon, Siddharth Shekhar Singh

  Price : Rs 1069.00
  Your Price : Rs 908.65
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  Managing Marketing: An Applied Approach is about understanding how to develop market strategy, implement market offers and manage the marketing process. This is not a book that attempts to describe all there is to know about marketing but focuses on what the prospective manager needs to know. Managing Marketing: An Applied Approach differs from other senior undergraduate and introductory graduate marketing texts. The authors take a position on what they believe is a better or worse course of action for marketers. Marketing is an applied field; the authors believe they should provide guidance for good marketing practice. Furthermore, Managing Marketing: An Applied Approach focuses on the manager, not just the marketer. For readers committed to a career in marketing (and we hope there are many), this book will form a solid foundation.

For those who become senior executives, general managers, CFOs and CEOs, this book is also important because an understanding and appreciation of marketing is central to virtually every important decision that senior managers make. Managing Marketing: An Applied Approach provides what every general manager and senior executive must know about marketing. Marketing activity lies at the core of leading and managing a business by providing the focus for interfacing with customers. Marketing is also the source of insight about the market, customers, competitors and complementers and the business environment in general. Marketing is concerned with the firm`s long-run relationships with customers as well as its short-run sales activity. Marketing must be a major organizational thrust, not just a responsibility assigned to a single functional department. For this reason, Managing Marketing: An Applied Approach emphasizes the role of marketing in creating value for customers - this leads to the creation of value for other firm stakeholders, including shareholders and employees.

Key Features:

Set of two books (Textbook & Workbook)
Fully colored textbook
Rich in Multimedia content which can be accessed by smartphone/device that can read QR codes/through PC using o-code.
Each chapter starts with an opening case and case questions that highlight some key issues in the chapter.
Teaching support material: Instructor`s manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, Test item file, additional case studies.
Student resources: Flash cards, Financial analysis for marketing decisions
Videos for easy retention
"Key ideas" summarizing the main learning from each section within each chapter and "Marketing Questions" that test the understanding of the material are provided throughout the text
Numerous short real-world examples through the text presented with the relevant issue.
Simulations available to the students via scratch card

Table of Contents:

Concluding Statement
Section 1: Marketing and the Firm
Section 2: Fundamental Insights for Strategic Marketing
Section 3: Strategic Marketing
Section 4: Implementing the Market Strategy
Section 5: Special Marketing Topics
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Name Index
Company Index
Subject Index ISBN - 9788126548514

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