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  Land Tenure,Gender and Gobaisation

Land Tenure,Gender And Gobaisation

by Tsikata

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 487.90
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  Drawing from field research in Cameroon, Ghana, Viet Nam and the Amazon forests of South America, this book explores the relationship between gender and land, revealing the workings of global capital and of people`s responses to it.

A central theme is the people`s reseitance to global forces, frequently through an insistence on the uniqueness of their livelihoods. The book addresses a gap in the literature on land tenure and gender in developing countries. It raises new questions about the process of globalisation, particularly about who the actors are (local people, the state, NGOs, multinational companies) and the shifting relations among them. The book also challenges the veISBN - 9788189884727

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