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  The Legacy of Yoga in Bhagawad Geeta

The Legacy Of Yoga In Bhagawad Geeta

by Prabha Duneja

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 425.00
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  The Geeta is an intimate dialogue between God and man. The God-incarnate is Lord Krishna and man is represented by the Mahabharata hero Arjuna. It is intimate because the esoteric wisdom imparted therein, says the Lords, is "is more secret than secrecy itself" (XVII. 63). A great battle is to ensue between the two royal clans of Kauravas and Pandavas. Arjuna requests Krishna, who is acting as his charioteer, to take him between the two standing armies so that he may have a look at those who have gathered to fight with him. There Arjuna is overcome with grief and refuses to raise his bow against his respected gurus and elders, and other kith and kin. At this critical juncture Lord Krishna explains to him what is right and what is wrong, and how by adhering to dharma a person can earn the highest virtue. Every human heart is like a battlefield of good and evil forces. At times a person is not able to decide the right course of action. He is deluded and confused. When confronted with such a situation, he can turn to the Geeta, it will not fail him. The book therefore is of universal appeal which offers satisfactory solution to basic human problems. Whatever page you turn, and whichever verse you read, it is bound to elevate and inspire. It is not the book of a particular race or religion but the common heritage of the entire mankind. The general theme of the dialogue is the realization of the Supreme-Self through the constant practice of Yogic entity. Sri Krishna declares that those who strive, endowed with the spirit of selfless action, Yajna and Yoga, perceive the Lord dwelling in the self. Sri Krishna gives a definite promise of His grace in the words, "Resigning all the Dharmas, seek refuge in Me alone. I shall liberate you from all sins Grieve not."ISBN-9788120836884

Pages : 637
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