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  Heart Disease in Women

Heart Disease In Women

by Navin C. Nanda, Nurgul Keser

  Price : Rs 13995.00
  Your Price : Rs 11196.00
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  The book provides a thorough analysis of every aspect of heart disease in women, making it an essential reference for all cardiologists and physicians.
Addresses the myths and facts about cardiovascular disease in women.
The book is organised into eight detailed Sections, beginning with prevention and risk factors, followed by investigation, diagnosis and management of coronary heart disease.
The following Sections cover a other conditions, including heart failure, arrhythmias, rheumatic heart disease, and congenital cardiac lesions in pregnancy.
A complete chapter is dedicated to non-invasive testing, including echocardiography and stress myocardial perfusion imaging.
The final Part deals with miscellaneous topics such as the “unmet challenge” of Peripheral Arterial Disease, the use of ankle-brachial index, cardiovascular implications of cancer in women.
A special chapter provides an update on recent literature concerning heart disease in women.
Every chapter starts with Introduction and ends at Conclusion and References.
Discusses history, pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment of every disease condition.
Key Points in Management has been deliberately explained at relevant places wherever necessary.
Highly illustrated with more than 500 colour images and well-informative tables.
Written by internationally renowned physicians, scientists and cardiologists.

Table of Contents:
Section 1: Prevention and Risk Factors
1. Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Myths and Facts about a Silent Epidemic
2. Prevention of Heart Disease in Women
3. Sex Diferences in the Efects of Leading and Most Prevalent Modifable Risk Factors
4. Dyslipidemia in Women
5. Familal Hypercholesterolemia in Women: Its Identifcation and Management
6. Metabolic Syndrome in Women
7. Hypertension in Women
8. Stroke and Women
9. Women and Smoking
10. Job Burnout, Job Stres and Cardiovascular Disease
1. Atherosclerosis and Autoimmune Disease: Mechanisms and Emerging Treatments
12. Hormonal Transitons and the Cardiovascular System in Women
Section 2: Coronary Heart Disease
13. A Perspective on Women and Coronary Heart Disease
14. How to Investigate Chest Pain in a Woman
15. Stable Ischemic Heart Disease in Women
16. Acute Coronary Syndromes in Women
Section 3: Non-Invasive Testing
17. Echocardiography in Women
18. Non-Invasive Stres Testing in Women
19. Stres Myocardial Perfusion Imaging- Diagnosis and Risk Asesment in Women
Section 4: Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathy and Pericarditis
20. Women and Heart Failure
21. Myocardits and Pericardits in Women
22. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in Women
Section 5: Arhythmias
23. Arhythmias and Implantable Devices in Women
24. Ventricular Arhythmias in Women: Syncope and Suden Cardiac Death
Section 6: Rheumatic Heart Disease: Valvular Heart Disease
25. Rheumatic Heart Disease in Women
26. Native Valvular Disease in Women
27. Gender Diferences in Outcome of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Section 7: Pregnancy Congenital Heart Disease
28. Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy
29. Heart Disease in Pregnancy: A Diferent Perspective
30. PeriPartum Cardiomyopathy
31. Congenital Heart Disease in Women
Section 8: Miscelaneous
32. Peripheral Arterial Disease in Women: The Unmet Chalenge
33. Cardiovascular Implications of Cancer in Women
34. An Update on Recent Literature on Heart Disease in Women
IndexISBN - 9789351522942

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