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  Mad Tales from the Raj

Mad Tales From The Raj

by Waltraud Ernst

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 405.90
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  About the Book: Mad Tales From The Raj: Colonial Psychiatry in South Asia 1800-58 Mad Tales from the Raj: Colonial Psychiatry in South Asia,1800-58 is an authoritative assessment of Western psychiatry withinthe context of British colonialism. This updated version provides acomprehensive study of official attitudes and practices in relationto both Indian and European patients during the dominance of theBritish East India Company. It includes a fully revisedintroduction that locates the work in relation to recent scholarlydiscourse in the field of history of colonial medicine. Much is packed into this wide-ranging book? A welcome additionto the growing corpus of writing on the encounter between westernmedicine and indigenous societies. -Social History of Medicine MadTales from the Raj is an extensively researched study of mentalillness within the context of British colonialism in earlynineteenth-century India. The author challenges the assumption thatwestern medical psychology was impartial and highlights the extentto which it reflected British colonial ideology and practice. Thislong overdue reprint makes available in easily accessible form anauthoritative assessment of western, institution-based psychiatryduring the East India Companys period. It includes a fully revisedintroduction that locates the work in relation to recent scholarlydiscourse in the field of history of colonial medicine as well asadditional material on the treatment of the native insane. The book provides the first comprehensive account of officialattitudes and practices in relation to both Indian and Europeanpatients at a time when the dictum of the civilising mission guidedcolonial social policy towards the colonized, and mental illnessamong the colonizers was seen to tarnish the prestige of the rulingrace. Based on archival sources and reports by medical experts, thebook provides a highly readable and illuminating account ofcontemporary psychiatric treatment and colonial policies. It willbe fa ISBN - 9789380601489

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