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  Zero to 100,000: Social Media Tips and Tricks for Small Businesses, 1/e

Zero To 100,000: Social Media Tips And Tricks For Small Businesses, 1/E

by Lynda Gratton

  Price : Rs 339.00
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  "I work in digital media publishing, yet I`ve struggled, like most of the business world, to understand how to make social media work for me. Sarah-Jayne and Dean tackled the challenge with an energy that has to be seen to be believed. These two are now my #1 source of information and have provided simple and effective strategies that have helped me to monetize social media."

—Vince Holton, Publisher, Incisor.TV

"A fantastic, timely, and enjoyable book with serious appeal. Great work from beginning to end. I can`t recommend it enough."

—2morrowKnight, Huffington Post

"Zero to 100,000: Social Media Tips and Tricks for Small Businesses makes it so easy to understand the way to successfully take your business into the `real world` of social media! It both entertained and educated me. I would recommend this book to my friends, business associates, and to educational institutions. Brilliantly done!"

—Debra Cincioni, @MomsofAmerica on Twitter

"From building a bigger presence for yourself or your business, this book gets you in on the ground floor, lays the foundation, and helps you get a jump start on becoming a social media success. And the advice is real, not just from Sarah-Jayne and Dean, who are awesome, but from several other success stories they explain in the book. In a word, this book is useful."

—Jason Falls, CEO of Social Media Explorer and author of No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing

"Leveraging social media is vital for businesses of all sizes, but it is a quirky and nuanced world where getting it wrong can have disastrous consequences. @GrattonGirl is one of the people I see in the social space who really understands the art of communicating with her audience. If you want to know how to connect with the crowd effectively through social media, I can think of no one better to hold your hand on that journey than Sarah-Jayne and Dean Gratton."

—Kate Russell, Technology Reporter, BBC Website and App Reviewer


Close your eyes. Now, envision 100,000 people who are passionate about you, your business, and your brand! We`re talking about people who buy your stuff, and then tell their friends how incredibly great you are—without being paid to do it. People who follow your every move, look to you for guidance, and can`t wait to hear what you`re up to next.

Your 100,000 people. Your two football stadiums full of cheering fans. They`re out there, looking for you. Here`s your easy, low-cost social media plan for finding them&hellipconnecting with them&hellipgiving them what they want—so they can make you stunningly, incredibly successful!ISBN - 9789332540286

Pages : 240
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