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  Military Supply Chain Management and People`s Liberation Army Logistics

Military Supply Chain Management And People`S Liberation Army Logistics

by Rajiv Chauhan

  Price : Rs 999.00
  Your Price : Rs 899.10
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  Military logistics is a relatively new word to describe a very old practice; the supply, movement and maintenance of an armed force both in peace time and under operational conditions. Logistic considerations are generally built into battle plans at an early stage. Without logistics, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery pieces, aircraft are just numbers on a table of organization and equipment.

Through this book an endeavor has been made to understand the logistics of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China. An introduction to the theory of supply chain management and logistics of foreign Armies is discussed. Today ‘Revolution in Military Logistics’ (RML) is taking place in the People’s Liberation Army. An attempt has been made to study this evolution, development and rapid modernization of the People’s Liberation Army logistics.

ISBN - 9789382652960

Pages : 130
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