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  Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications, 6e

Psychological Testing: History, Principles, And Applications, 6E

by Robert J. Gregory

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In addition to the breadth of coverage of traditional topics, the sixth edition of Psychological Testing provides detailed presentations on neuropsychological and geriatric assessment, the early uses and abuses of testing, assessment of learning disabilities, testing in special settings, race differences in IQ, and cheating on national group achievement tests. The author also describes and critiques the latest versions of the most widely used tests, examine the subtleties of the testing process, and explores the value-laden issues surrounding the wisdom of testing.


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• The text is divided into 12 chapters and 24 modular topics, making it easier for students to grasp complex ideas.
• The modular 24-topic approach also allows professors to tailor the book to fit an individualized syllabus.
• The extensive glossary and appendices for locating tests enable students to acquire additional information.
• "The History of Psychological Testing" (Ch. 2) and "Major Landmarks in the History of Psychological Testing" (Appendix A) give students a broad overview of the field.
• Because of its growing importance as a major application of psychological testing, neuropsychological assessment is discussed in detail.
• Real-world case studies bring concepts to life for students.
• Updated references throughout.


1. Applications and Consequences of Psychological Testing
1A. The Nature and Uses of Psychological Tests
1B. Ethical and Social Implications of Testing
2. The History of Psychological Testing
2A. The Origins of Psychological Testing
2B. Early Testing in the United States
3. Norms and Reliability
3A. Norms and Test Standardization
3B. Concepts of Reliability
4. Validity and Test Development
4A. Basic Concepts of Validity
4B. Test Construction
5. Theories and Individual Tests of Intelligence and Achievement
5A: Theories of Intelligence and Factor Analysis
5B. Individual Tests and Intelligence and Achievement
6. Group Tests and Controversies
6A: GroupTests of Ability and Related Concepts
6B. Test Bias and Other Controversies
7. Testing Special Populations
7A. Infant and Preschool Assessment
7B. Testing Persons with Disabilities
8. Origins of Personality Test
8A. Theories of Personality and Projective Techniques
8B. Self Report and Behavioral Assessment of Psychopathology
9. Assessment of Normality and Human Strengths
9A. Assessment within the Normal Spectrum
9B. Positive Psychological Assessment
10. Industrial, Occupational and Forensic Assessment
10A. Industrial and Organizational Assessment
10B. Forensic Applications of Assessment
11. Neuropsychological and Assessment and Screening
11A. A Primer of Neurobiological Concepts
11B. Neuropsychological Tests, Batteries, and Screening Tools
12. Legal Issues and the Future of Testing
12A. Psychological Testing and the Law
12B. Computerized Assessment and the Future of TestingISBN - 9789332536715

Pages : 672
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