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  Land and Poverty Alleviation

Land And Poverty Alleviation

by Dr. P.K. Agrawal

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  ABOUT THE BOOK:- The book ˜Land and Poverty Alleviation` is the first comprehensive volume to remove poverty through implementation of all constituents of land reforms globally. Access to ownership of land and security of tenure can save the landless and the land poor from starvation or hunger. Implementation of land reforms doesn`t involve huge funds but requisite political and administrative will is required to implement measures of land reforms to reduce poverty. If land reforms are not implemented, the stark discrimination in society will cause the land poor in rural areas and the homeless in urban areas to mobilise and overrun the creations of globalisation and symbols of modern civilisation. This book is not only a theoretical work on land vis-A -vis poverty, it also provides practical solutions and methodologies based on the best practices around the world in respect of each factor of land reform. It will be an epoch-making book for serious readers, practical administrators, policy-makers, peasants, sharecroppers and their leaders., ABOUT THE AUTHOR:- Dr P.K. Agrawal is a reputed writer in the field of land reform. Out of his fifty books published, four are on land reforms in India. Dr Agrawal has a long experience of implementation of land reforms in the field as an IAS officer for eleven years on all important posts in land reform set-up of government of West Bengal, India. Dr Agrawal is also a doctorate on land reforms laws. He is a rare combination of a scholar, lawyer and a practical administrator. Thus, Dr Agrawal is a suitable person to work on a global treatise on land reforms and poverty alleviationCONTENT:- Preface 9 1. Land Defined 19 2. Land and Conflicts 27 3. Forms of Utilisation of Land 39 4. Poverty Revisited 47 Conclusion. 5. Concentration of Land and Poverty 59 Monopolies of Land in Forests and Fisheries. 6. Security of Title Through Maintenance and Updation of Land Records 69 Methodology ¢ Technology ¢ Simplification of Change of Title and Classification of Land by Integration of Land Records Department (LAS) with the Registration Department ¢ Suggestions. 7. Land Distribution as a Tool of Poverty Reduction 85 Methodology of Distribution of Land ¢ Identification of Ceiling Surplus Land ¢ Preparation of Lists of Beneficiaries ¢ Distribution of Government Vested Land ¢ Redistribution Programmes Implemented ¢ Feasibility of Land Redistribution Programme in Urban Areas and in Peri-Urban Areas ¢ Concluding Remarks. 8. Recording of Sharecroppers on Land 103 Different Types of Tenure Systems ¢ Case Study of Success of Barga Operation in West Bengal, India ¢ Modus Operandi 6 Land and Poverty Alleviation ¢ Salient Features of the ˜Operation Banga` ¢ Outcome ¢ Decollectivisation of Land ¢ Customary Rights and Privatisation ¢ Fisheries ¢ Forestry ¢ Sharecroppers in Periurban or Urban Areas. 9. Role of Self-governance Units and Peasants` Organisations 121 Through Government ¢ Role of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Similar Rural Institutions ¢ Peasants` Organisations ¢ Role of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) ¢ Movements and Struggles ¢ Indonesia ¢ Russia ¢ Success in China ¢ Japan ¢ Eastern Europe ¢ Latin America ¢ Africa ¢ Struggle in India ¢ Chuar Armed Uprising, 1799 ¢ The Kol Uprising (1831-1832) ¢ The Santhal Rebellion (1855- 57) ¢ Pagal Panthi Movement (1825-1833) ¢ Rising of the Ramosis ¢ The Poligars Uprising ¢ Tebhaga Movement ¢ Conclusion. 10. Legal Empowerment and Legal Aid 149 Availability of Legal Services ¢ Legal Aid: Case Study of India ¢ Tribunalisation of Land Related Cases ¢ Conclusion. 11. Developmental Support to the Implementation of Land Reforms 165 (i) Employment Generating Schemes ¢ Case Study of Good Practice-1 (India): Reviving Springs to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change ¢ Case Study 2: Restoring 45 Hectares of Barren Lands Belonging to Poor Families (Pattadars) ¢ Case Study 3- Development of Pastureland Near Sea Belt ¢ (ii) Credit Availability ¢ (iii) Provision of Homestead ¢ Restoration of Alienated Land due to Distress ¢ Social and Religious Reforms ¢ Consolidation of Land ¢ Acquisition of Land for Development vis-A -vis Peasants` Interest ¢ (A) Setting up of Manufacturing Unit: A Case of Small Car Project of M/s Tata Motors in Singur, West Bengal ¢ (B) Agitation Against Proposed Industrial Hub: A Case of Nandigram, West Bengal, India ¢ Conclusions. 12. Strengthening Land Administration System 187 Computerisation of Land Records as a Solution in India ¢ Property Records in Urban India ¢ (i) Preparation of Records of Properties in Urban Areas in India ¢ (ii) Integration of Land Records Department (LAS), with the Registration Department ¢ (iii) Simplification of Mutation and Conversion of Land ¢ (iv) Expeditious Conversion of Land for Public Purposes ¢ Suggestions ¢ Capacity Building. Contents 7 MONGOLIA`S APPROACH TOWARDS INNER ASIAN SECURITY 13. Concrete Approach towards Land Reforms 207 Thematic Area ¢ 1. Legal and Institutional Framework ¢ Thematic Area 2. Land Use Planning, Management and Taxation ¢ Thematic Area 3. Management of Public Land ¢ Thematic Area 4. Public Provision of Land Information ¢ Thematic Area 5. Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management 6. Total Land Reforms in U.P. and West Bengal, India ¢ (A) Assessment of Land Reforms in Peru ¢ (i) Implementation of Employment Generating Scheme ¢ (ii) Recording of Tenants ¢ (iii) Local Self-governance Units and Collective Farming ¢ (iv) Distribution of Government Surplus Land ¢ (v) Position of Land Records ¢ (vi) Social and Religious Reforms ¢ (vii) Availability of Legal Aid to Settle Disputes ¢ (viii) Availability of Credit ¢ (ix) Collectivisation and Group Housing ¢ (B) Tanzania ¢ (i) Employment Generating Schemes ¢ (ii) Recording of Tenants or Sharecroppers ¢ (iii) Local Self-governance and Peasants` Organisations ¢ (iv) Redistribution of Government Surplus Land ¢ (v) Status of Land Records ¢ (vi) Social and Religious Reforms ¢ (vii) Legal Aid ¢ (viii) Financial Assistance for Cultivation ¢ (ix) Co-operative Farming ¢ (x) Allotment of House Sites and Restoration of Alientated Land ¢ (C) Indonesia ¢ (i) Employment Generating Schemes ¢ (ii) Recording of Tenants or Sharecroppers ¢ (iii) Local Bodies and Peasants` Organisations ¢ (iv) Redistribution of Government Surplus Land ¢ (v) Status of Land Records ¢ (vi) Social and Religious Reforms ¢ (vii) Legal Aid ¢ (viii) Crop-credit for Cultivation ¢ (ix) Co-operative Farming ¢ (x) Allotment of House-sites and Restoration of Alienated Land. 14. Epilogue 239 Bibliography 247 Index 251 Print to PDF without this message by purchasing


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