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  Premiere Pro CC: Classroom in a Book

Premiere Pro Cc: Classroom In A Book

by Adobe Creative Team

  Price : Rs 649.00
  Your Price : Rs 532.18
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The 18 project-based lessons in this book show students step-by-step the key techniques for working in Premiere Pro CC. Students learn to take a project from beginning to end where they`ll get the basics on things like organizing media, using audio, creating transitions, producing titles, and adding effects. Once they have the basics down, they`ll learn how to take their projects further by sweetening and mixing sound, compositing the footage, adjusting color, using multicamera editing techniques, outputting, and much more. ((

This completely revised edition covers new features and refinements, including Link and Locate, for finding files faster, synch of multi-camera media with second-system sound, and built-in support for closed captioning. Lesson files and real-world media assets will be available so students can work step-by-step along with the book. The files will be available via the accompanying DVD, and also available for download.


The best-selling guide to Adobe`s powerful digital video editing application, fully updated for Adobe Premiere Pro Creative Cloud.

• Includes 18 hands-on lessons that use clear, step-by-step instructions withaccompanying screenshots to explain how to efficiently edit video in Premiere Pro.
• Covers new features, including Link and Locate, synch of multi-camera with second-system sound, new audio effects, deep color workflows with Lumetri Deep Color engine, and a redesigned, customizable timeline panel
• Companion DVD includes sample media files for all of the book`s projectsISBN - 9789332536128

Pages : 480
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