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  Navigating Social Media Legal Risks: Safeguarding Your Business

Navigating Social Media Legal Risks: Safeguarding Your Business

by Robert Mchale

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The plain-English business guide to avoiding social media legal risks and liabilities—for anyone using social media for business—written specifically for non-attorneys!

You already know social media can help you find customers, strengthen relationships, and build your reputation, but if you are not careful, it also can expose your company to expensive legal issues and regulatory scrutiny. This insightful, first-of-its-kind book provides business professionals with strategies for navigating the unique legal risks arising from social, mobile, and online media. Distilling his knowledge into a 100% practical guide specifically for non-lawyers, author and seasoned business attorney, Robert McHale, steps out of the courtroom to review today`s U.S. laws related to social media and alert businesses to the common (and sometimes hidden) pitfalls to avoid. Best of all, McHale offers practical, actionable solutions, preventative measures, and valuable tips on shielding your business from social media legal exposures associated with employment screening, promotions, endorsements, user-generated content, trademarks, copyrights, privacy, security, defamation, and more...

You`ll Learn How To

&bull Craft legally compliant social media promotions, contests, sweepstakes, and advertising campaigns

&bull Write effective social media policies and implement best practices for governance

&bull Ensure the security of sensitive company and customer information

&bull Properly monitor and regulate the way your employees use social media

&bull Avoid high-profile social media mishaps that can instantly damage reputation, brand equity, and goodwill, and create massive potential liability

&bull Avoid unintentional employment and labor law violations in the use of social media in pre-employment screening

&bull Manage legal issues associated with game-based marketing, &ldquovirtual currencies," and hyper-targeting

&bull Manage the legal risks of user-generated content (UGC)

&bull Protect your trademarks online, and overcome brandjacking and cybersquatting

&bull Understand the e-discovery implications of social media in lawsuits


• The only book of its kind! Up-to-the-minute guidance for managing hidden risks associated with social/mobile marketing and promotions
• Succeed online while maintaining strict compliance with changing laws and rules
• Avoid failures of security or privacy, unfair or deceptive endorsements, inadvertent labor law violations, and liability associated with user-generated content


Contents Introduction
1. Social Media Promotion Law: Contests and Sweepstakes
2. Online Endorsements and Testimonials: What Companies and Their Employees Can and Cannot Tweet, Blog, or Say
3. The [Mis]Use of Social Media in Pre-Employment Screening
4. Monitoring, Regulating, and Disciplining Employees Using Social Media
5. Social Media in Litigation and E-Discovery: Risks and Rewards
6. Managing the Legal Risks of User-Generated Content
7. The Law of Social Advertising
8. Trademark Protections from Brandjacking and Cybersquatting in Social Networks
9. Balancing Gamification Legal Risks and Business Opportunities
10. Social Media`s Effect on Privacy and Security Compliance
11. Legal Guidelines for Developing Social Media Policies and Governance Models
12. Looking Ahead at Social Media Business Opportunities, Expectations, and Challenges
A. Table of Legal Authorities
B. The Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914
C. The Lanham Act—Section 43(a)
D. The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA)
E. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
F. Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA)
G. Children`s Online Privacy Protection Rule
H. FTC`s Revised Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising
I. Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act of 2003
J. The Copyright Act
K. Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA)
L. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
M. Electronic Communications Privacy Act
N. National Labor Relations Act
O. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006
P. Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996ISBN - 9789332539334

Pages : 320
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