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  The Next Arms Race

The Next Arms Race

by Henry D Sokolski

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 776.10
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  The Next Arms Race Since 1945, there have been wars, emergencies, invasion, terrorism and carnage on an unprecendented scale. Because of the large scale casualities, genocide, nuclear annihilation during and after the two World Wars, the nation states have started realising that war is not the best way to settle disagreements. Though the hope of eliminating nuclear weapons may continue, several states still believe that they may have to endure or engage in major wars involving modern sophisticated weapons and that the future wars will be fought not just on battlefield but also in the worlds computers and communication systems. Advanced conventional weapons might ignite a nuclear conflict directly. Because of growing discontentment and tension between nation states, the strategic military competitions of the coming decades will be unlike any the world has yet seen. Assuming US, Chinese, Russian, Israeli, Indian, French, British and Pakistani strategic forces continue to be modernized and America and Russia continue to reduce their strategic nuclear deployments, even than the next arms race will even be run by a much larger number of states with highly destructive strategic capabilities. This book gives a detailed analysis of various types of modern weaponry including nuclear arms, which are either in possession of each country or likely to be acquired in near future. The book is divided in four parts containing fifteen chapters by scholars of eminence. Part I covers the Asian countries, Part II covering the Middle East countries including Israel and African countries, Part III covers South Asian countries including the nuclear weapons capability of China, India and Pakistan. Part IV of the book deals with missile defence and move towards nuclear arms control for achieving world peace.ISBN - 9788170494553

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