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  Business Environment ed.- 01

Business Environment Ed.- 01

by Paleri

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 552.50
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  In an entirely different approach to studying business environment, this book highlights the intricacies of the surroundings of a business, even beyond its articulated boundaries that impact on executive decision making. The book, thereby, adds breadth to the coverage of the subject. Executive decisions at the appropriate level and time in the life of a business organization can drive it towards growth and protect it from having to ride the path of premature decline. This book reiterates the fact to its readers that executive decisions and their proactive implementation are best done by careful scanning of the business environment and adapting to its constituents and factors with resonance. The contents of the book, especially Chapters 17-20, gravitate towards the Indian perspective of business, delving deep into the past, hovering over the present and peeping through the mist of uncertainty into the future. The book takes the students and other readers on a journey of "how to think" and not "what to think" in the process of executive decision making through the following:

Concept of business environment
Need for incessant scanning of the business environment for strategic and tactical decision making
Nature of the internal and the external business environments linked by the new concept of the intermediary business environment
Comprehensive anatomy of the external environment through micro constituents and macro factors
Economic, political and industrial configuration of the business environment within the Indian perspective


Twenty-one case studies, seriously researched and preferred, keep the pace of study dynamic and congruent to the idea throughout.
Quick-Takes pages, included toward the end of the book, capture the major themes of each chapter and present them to the student in a readymade capsule to aid comprehension and revision.

Table of Contents:

Internal Business Environment
External Business Environment
Intermediary Business Environment
Strategic Management and Business Environmental Scanning
Sociocultural Factor
Technological Factor
Economic Factor
Environmental and Energy Factor
Political Factor
Legal Factor
Ethical Factor
Demographic Factor
International Factor
Global Factor
Security Factor
Macroeconomic Policies
Planning and Development
Industrial Structure
Money, Finance and Income

Case Studies


Quick Takes

IndexISBN - 9788131519479

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