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  Systems Engineering with Economics, Probability & Statistics (HB) ed.- 02

Systems Engineering With Economics, Probability & Statistics (Hb) Ed.- 02

by Khisty

  Price : Rs 1975.00
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  This extensively revised comprehensive textbook, covering a wide range of topics, is suitable for courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, each with a different emphasis. There is more than enough material to cover two semesters of an undergraduate course, as well as a one semester graduate course. The pedagogy provides enough flexibility for an instructor to teach the topics in systems engineering she or he would like. Systems Engineering with Economics, Probability and Statistics, Second Edition is sufficiently broad-based for undergraduate and graduate programs in various branches of engineering and management.

Key Features:

Includes a wide range of topics covering the fundamentals and practice applications of probability and statistics (including advanced topics on statistical analysis, testing and interpretation of engineering data), microeconomics, engineering economics, hard systems (such as linear programming, decision analysis, CPM, LOB and PERT), soft systems analysis (such as Check l and`s method) and sustainable development and sustainability applications in engineering planning
Avoids the abstract mathematical approach usually found in textbooks on this subject, in favor of one that is geared to practical engineering applications
Integrates the power of quantitative analysis, in a very concrete way, with the conceptual richness of economics and systems thinking to deal with engineering problems
Examples and end-of-chapter exercises drives home the fact that answers to problems need not be merely "optimal "solutions but must include value tradeoffs and lend themselves to an enriched decision-making process, most suitable for applications in an uncertain world. Numerous open-ended, real-world problems are included.
Includes a unique chapter on "systems thinking" a first of its kind in a textbook on systems engineering. It covers the most recent soft systems structuring methods available in dealing with complexity, uncertainty and conflict. A new case-studies chapter applying soft systems methods is also included.
Contains two new chapters-one on sustainable development, sustainability, engineering and planning and the other on case studies dealing with engineering and planning for sustainability.
WAV material includes a solutions manual for those exercise problems that require numerical solutions.

Table of Contents:

Mapping The Terrain of the Systems Approach
Problem Solving and Designing in Engineering and Planning
Basic Engineering Economics and Evaluation
Basic Microeconomics For Engineers and Planners
Principles Of Probability: Part I-Review of Probability Theory
Principles of Probability: Part II-R random Variables and Probability Distributions
Principles of Probability: Part III-Joint Probability Functions and Correlated Variables
Principles of Statistics: Part I-Estimation of Statistical Parameters and Testing Validity of Distribution Functions
Principles of Statistics: Part II-Hypothesis Testing, Analysis of Variance, Regression and Correlation Analysis
Basic Hard Systems Engineering-Part I
Basic Hard Systems Engineering-Part II
Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking: Case Studies
Sustainable Development, Sustainability, Engineering and Planning
Case Studies In Engineering and Planning For Sustainability
Case Studies In Engineering and Planning For Sustainability

IndexISBN - 9788131521861

Pages : 624
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